F.2 Maths X1

2007-04-22 2:38 am
1. Two toy cars S and T are running on circular tracks. If the radius of the inner track is 3 m, and T runs 4 TT<---pie m(metre) more than S in each turn, find the radius of the outer track.

*please show the process, thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-04-22 2:59 am
T runs more than S so it means T is running in the outer track and S is running in the inner track
The total distance of the inner track is 2TT(3)
2TT(3)+4TT=the total distance of the outer track
參考: me
2007-04-22 2:52 am
Let the radius of the outer track be a.
2a TT - 2x3 TT = 4TT
2(a-3)TT = 4TT
a-3 = 4/2
a = 5

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