
2007-04-22 2:03 am
岩岩佢叫我朋友一齊近年半,我同左我男我之前一排發左我男朋友脾氣, 之後佢就好少主動咁搵我~ 之後我有同佢say sorry, 話被佢寵壞左..所以先會咁任性..成日發脾氣..以後都唔會咁做,希望佢唔會嬲我..但佢回應就係唔想處理依家既感情問題住..想讀好d書,搵到份好工先..呢幾日我學校見到佢,佢都好似0係度避我, 而且我send sms被佢又唔回..電話亦都無聽…, 之後唔好打電話搵佢..send sms好了…佢話想有的私人空間…


回答 (5)

2007-04-22 2:40 am
2007-04-22 2:37 am
好好地大家傾一 次..共識了..先讀好書.計劃好前途先..之後再看看..先至再續前緣吧!你都想你男友是個有上進心及將來有前途的人架!!你都想下你的興趣你的前途,計劃下啦..努力:)
2007-04-22 2:35 am
i think 佢有d想同你分手.........係ge話don't be sad~~
參考: my self
2007-04-22 2:17 am
His feelings for you are not very high right now. Maybe because he is tired of dealing with you and your temper and so just wants to focus on school right now. He might be thinking dating is very tiring, so he does not want to spend so much energy and time on it. He is avoiding you because he does not want any awkward situations right now where you both do not know what to say. His feelings for you are low so he might be cool when he sees you.

But that does not mean he wants to break up. Give him more time to sort out his thoughts and feelings. He will come back soon.
2007-04-22 2:11 am

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