"吹水" 英文係咩?

2007-04-22 1:33 am
"吹水" 英文係咩

回答 (10)

2007-04-22 1:55 am
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如果解作吹牛的話,英文就可以以 「bragging」or「 big words 」or「boasting」來形容;
參考: 自己
2007-04-22 8:44 pm
" Blows water "
2007-04-22 4:09 am
brag or talk big
2007-04-22 2:03 am

eg. John always boasts with his friends.
Leo is always boasting of his romances.
2007-04-22 1:40 am
2007-04-22 1:39 am

chat /tS{t/ verb [I] -tt-

to talk to someone in a friendly informal way
She spends hours on the phone chatting to her friends.
We were just chatting about what we did last weekend.
Whenever I walk in, I always find the two of them chatting away (= talking eagerly).
Related words

To chat is also to take part in a discussion with someone on the Internet.
Related words
(UK and ANZ informal) If you chat up (esp. US come on to) someone or chat someone up whom you are sexually attracted to, you talk to them in a friendly way and make your sexual interest known to them.
He spent all evening chatting her up and buying her drinks.
Related words
(UK and ANZ informal) To chat up someone/chat someone up also means to talk to someone in a friendly and persuasive way in order to obtain something from them.
If you need some more money, why don't you chat your mother up?
Related words

chat /tS{t/ noun

A chat is a friendly, informal conversation.
Why don't you give me a call and we'll have a chat? [C]
When my neighbour comes round, we have lovely long chats about our grandchildren. [C]
I had a chat with the boss today about a salary increase. [C]
He hates gossip and idle chat (= conversation about unimportant things). [U]
See also chit-chat.
Related words

A chat room is a part of the Internet where you can use e-mail to discuss a topic with other people.
Related words

See study section: E-mail
(UK) A chat show is an informal television or radio programme on which famous people are asked questions about themselves and their work.
Compare talk show at talk.
Related words

(UK and ANZ informal) A chat-up line (US come-on line) is a remark which someone makes to a person whom they are sexually attracted to in order to make their sexual interest known to them and start a conversation with them.
"Have you been here before?" "That's one of the oldest chat-up lines I've ever heard!"
Related words

chatty /"tS{t.i, "tS{-/ adjective -ier, -iest informal
If someone is chatty, they like to talk a lot in a friendly informal way.
My neighbour's a friendly, chatty sort of man.
Related words

(informal) If a piece of writing is chatty, it is informal.
The book's style of writing is relaxed and chatty.
Related words
2007-04-22 1:39 am
Blow water or
Tell lie
2007-04-22 1:36 am
~好似係a bag of wind~
參考: me
2007-04-22 1:36 am
「吹水」應該係Blow water.
2007-04-22 1:35 am

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