
2007-04-22 12:25 am
我1 2 YEARS OLD,唔識襯3,可唔可教下我,我身高156CM

回答 (3)

2007-04-22 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
there's a BIG tip for matching clothes:
ONLY wear NO MORE than 3 colors at a time...
Don't put on too many colors.. at one set of clothes

try to wear some pure colors like :pink, blue, black , white... soft tone
don't wear colors like : bright YELLOW, ORANGE or high-light GREEN.. that will make people's eye vision feel sick

for your age, just try to choose things really simple, don't go too fasion. you are 12 years old, you can wear something like a pink or baby blue shirt/t-shirt with a jean skirt.

white with black is always the classic combination. so wear white and black together won't be wrong.

red is a good color if you match right, it can be really bad if you don't know how to match. red top with dark jeans or black jeans will make you look cute and fresh. red top with a white skirt is the cute matching for young girls like you. but DoN'T match red with other COLORFUL clothes, because red ONLy looks good with jeans, black, or white.

參考: me
2007-04-23 12:50 am
唔肥嘜 3 都好睇架 na
得閒經過 D 時裝店睇佢點襯 3 咪得 lor

1 ) 貼身短 tee + 短褲 or 短牛仔褲
2 ) 小背心 + 短褲 or skirt
3 ) 長到落 pet pet ge 3 + leggings

其實你可以去 D 論壇 D 關於潮流 ge 專欄,裡面有好多潮流 ge 資訊,有好多 pic,你可以睇興 d 嘜,跟咪得 lor,其實你去型男索女區都得,佢一定得好型好靚,睇靚仔靚女之餘又可以睇 d 靚女咩 3,又可以睇埋究竟 d 人對靚女 3 GE 標準,點先叫型
依家 d 女仔其實樣唔靚,只係識得扮型,所以你只要識得打扮,d 人就會話你靚
參考: me
2007-04-22 12:58 am
我同你個高度差唔多,你可以穿一件比較靚點的短衫襯一件外套 加 一條半桶褲,一雙現時好流行的鞋﹝夏季﹞,一件比較長的衣服,一條牛仔褲,一雙布鞋﹝冬季﹞
參考: 自己

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