
2007-04-21 10:56 pm
thanks very much!!

1.You can tell the teacher truth.
[[指定句式:::要用you can]]

2.You could tell her steas is wrong.
[[指定句式:::要用you could]]

3.If I were you,I would ask her the reson she stole scarf
[[指定句式:::If i were you..iwould...]]

回答 (7)

2007-04-21 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3題都唔岩 =.=

1.You can tell the teacher truth.
truth 係noun~
所以唔岩~ 應該用個adjective~
You can tell the teacher truely. 或者
You can tell the truth to the teacher.

2.You could tell her steas is wrong.
我估你係想打You could tell her STEALS is wrong
steal 係個verb
即係將個verb 加 ing form~ 先得
如果唔係呢句就僣有2個verb **一個單句只可以有1個verb
答案係: You could tell her stealing is wrong.

3. If I were you,I would ask her the reson she stole scarf
If I were you,I would ask her the reson that she stole scarf
其實呢個cinnectives 可以 omitted ge...

整體 黎講
你3句都係part of speech 唔岩
或者d verb 多左
小心d就得ga 啦

2007-04-21 15:13:09 補充:
唔好意思第3句:If I were you,I would ask her the reson she stole scarf我改左做If I were you,I would ask her the reson that she stole scarf有少少錯再改成:If I were you,I would ask her the reson that she stole SCARFS 或者If I were you,I would ask her the reson that she stole THE SCARF
參考: 100%我自己 "實力" ^.^
2007-04-22 2:31 am
1.You can tell the teacher the truth.

2.You could tell her stealing is wrong.

3.If I were you, I would ask her the reson why she stole the scarf.
2007-04-22 12:17 am
1)You can tell an actual state of affairs to the teacher.
2)you could tell her that steal is wrong.
3)If I were you, I would ask him why he steal the scarf.
我自己做ge,希望幫到你,你係唔係學緊conditional 啊?
參考: by myself
2007-04-21 11:17 pm
If I were you, I would ask her the reason for stealing the scarf.
If I were you, I would as her the reason why she stole the scarf.
2007-04-21 11:13 pm
1. Wrong. It should be:
You can tell the teacher the truth.
(or if you wish to use a pronoun for the teacher, you could simply say " You can tell him (or her) the truth. " Pls note that the definite article " the " should precede " truth ".)

2. Wrong. It should be:
You could tell her that stealing is wrong. (here, " could " does not mean a simple past tense but it is used to suggest an idea. Therefore, there is no need to use " stealing was wrong " as in the case of a reported speech.)

3. Wrong. It should be:
If I were you, I would ask her why she stole the scarf.
(you need to pay more attention to the use of articles such as " a ", " an " and " the ")

Let me know if you have other questions and see if I can be of help again.

2007-04-23 02:11:10 補充:
#1: truely is spelt incorrectly. The correct spelling is ' truly '.

#3: how come ' reason ' can be repeatedly spelt mistakenly!
2007-04-21 11:13 pm
You can tell the teacher the truth.

You could tell her stealing is wrong
(將steal(verb.)轉做gerund: stealing, 原理同swimming一樣)

If I were you,I would ask her the reason for stealing the scarf
(後面果個"偷人頸巾"其實係用泥形容個reason, 所以我覺得咁既方式會適合d)
2007-04-21 11:04 pm
The answer is as follows:

1. You can tell the teacher the truth.

2. You could tell her stealing is wrong.

3. If I were you, I would ask her the reason of stealing the scarf.

Hope the above is useful to you~~

Yumi Hui

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