F.2 Maths X1

2007-04-21 9:44 pm
1. The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 0.6m. If the bicycle travels at a speed of 12 km/h for 15 minutes, how many revolutions has the wheel made? (Give your answer correct to the nearest integer.)

*please show the process, thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-04-21 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
circumference = 0.6π m

after 15 minutes, the bicycle travels

= 12(15/60)

= 3 m

so, the wheel has made

= 3 / 0.6π

= 2

2007-04-21 13:57:18 補充:
Sorry, I have ignored the unit..after 15 minutes, the bicycle travels= 3(1000)=3000mso, the wheel has made= 3000 / 0.6π= 1592
2007-04-21 10:07 pm
Circumference of the wheel = 2*pi*radius

In 15mins,the bicycle has travel = (15*60)*(12*1000)/(60*60)

so,the wheel made 3000/(0.6*pi)=1592revolutions
參考: myself .... I hope I can help you~

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