
2007-04-21 8:34 pm
我打過電話到間餅店,佢地話只提供D puff 同顆樹的造法說明,並不會代客制作。我食過D puff 係好好味,但就無乜勇氣自已去制作顆樹,我唔識造餅嘛… 但又好想下次party show 顆樹出來等D小朋友尖叫下… 有冇人試過造呢?容易造嗎?


雲呢拿 迷你巴夫 派對裝 (70pcs) Vanilla Mini Cream Puffs Party Pack Party食物的新選擇,不可抗拒的幼滑! 可以多講一D *制作經驗* 嗎?這才是問題重點。

回答 (1)

2007-04-24 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
整 puff 話難唔難...

有D書是專講 puff 的....

(recipe 我可以打英文嗎?? coz it takes a lot of time for me to type chinese....)
milk 60ml
water 60ml
unsalted butter 50g
salt a pinch
sugar a pinch
plain flour 62g
egg 120~130g (~2 eggs)

1. Put milk, water, butter, sugar, salt in a saucepan. Turn on heat. Stir occationally.
2. When the mixture of (1) boils, turn off heat and add in the flour. Mix immediately and vigorously. (use a whisk)
3. When mixture is mixed thoroughly, then return to heat. Beat vigorously till the paste leave the side of the pan. (~1min)
4. Then, pour it into a mixing bowl, so that it won't continue to cook.
5. When the mixture is still warm, you should add the egg. 分5次加入... and after each addition, you should beat vigorously to ensure the mixture can absorb the egg.
6. If you find it difficult to beat by hand, you may use an electric whisk.
7. Please check the consistancy of the mixture when there are still20g of the egg left.
The mixture should be 有光澤, 1撈起來就變成1塊, 還會快速落下. 然後撈起來會有三角形掛住係個scraper度... (<-- 好難形容.....)
8.And then you may pipe the puff mixture into a small ball shape. Bake.

Important point::
- 要 西 麵粉...
- 蛋要係室溫的!!! 還有要打散之後才用
- 係 step 2, D mixture 1定要是 boiling 的!!!

2007-04-24 01:56:55 補充:
- step 3 個度1定要使勁地攪拌!! 這是PUFF 能膨起來的關鍵... 因為是1路搞緊D air 入去.- in step 5, 加蛋的時候... 不要1離火就立刻加落去.. 因為D蛋會熟嫁!!! 所以要1路搞1路搞.. 等到個mixture 暖暖地... 才加蛋進去...- 要自己check puff mixture 的consistancy.... 太think就加多D蛋 .. 但是不要加太多!! 因為太多的話, PUFF 會凹凸不平, 過於膨鬆... 不過太少蛋的話會膨不起來...

2007-04-24 01:57:47 補充:
- oven 1定要preheat!!! 如果不是你個 puff mixture 整得幾好都是沒用嫁... 因為PUFF 是用空氣 來令它膨起來的....- oven plz preheat 220C, then 入爐的時候降至 200C. bake 15mins.讓它可以1口氣puff up, then lower the oven to 180C, bake 5~10mins, till golden brown, 還可以讓麵糰充分bake 熟.. 然後再降到150C bake 5mins 來 控 乾它...

2007-04-24 01:58:27 補充:
(但有時可能要bake 耐D... it depends on yr oven....)- bake 的時候不要開爐門... 因為PUFF 可能會 tap 嫁!!!- bake 完時, 可以先關電源, 然後把PUFF ao ~5mins, 咁應該沒有那麼容易 tap...- 拿出來之後, 可以在PUFF 底部 pipe cream / custard... depends on wht you want to eat~

2007-04-24 01:58:48 補充:
- 如果想整座山, 可以用硬卡紙整個 cone shape, then wrap tinfoil... 咁會靓D 嫁~- 然後煮焦糖... 將D有 cream/custard 既PUFF 點落去, 然後乘它還沒後硬貼上個 cone 上面...- 之後可以淋 melt 左 既 chocolate sieve icing sugar~P.S.or 你可以不用個 cone... 直接把1個個的PUFF 疊上去~
參考: 自己的經驗... 希望能幫你啦~

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