"I can't agree with you anymore"

2007-04-21 7:06 pm
Can someone tell me what is the actual meaning of this sentense?

- 我贊同得不能再贊同 (即非常贊同)
- 我不能再贊同


回答 (4)

2007-04-21 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't mess up "I can't agree with you ANYMORE" and "I can't agree with you MORE".

I CAN'T AGREE WITH YOU MORE is a common way to express I agree with you to the extent that I totally agree with you.

So, I can't agree with you more means 非常贊同.

But if you say I CAN'T AGREE WITH YOU ANYMORE, it just simply says so far I have been agreeing with you but I cannot agree with you anymore.

So, I can't agree with you anymore means 我不能再贊同.

2007-04-21 12:55:20 補充:
It is more common to hear people say, "I can't agree with you more".
2007-04-21 9:35 pm
先諗返你幾時用 anymore:

間餐廳d野難食,你話:I won't eat here anymore.
你同女友分手,你話:I don't want to see you anymore.

咁好明顯,I can't agree with you anymore 係講「我不能再贊同你」。

I can't agree with you more 就係贊同到無以復加。
2007-04-21 8:17 pm

注意: anymore連住一個字係再既意思, 同any more有分別

1. 【美】(不)再,再也(不)
He doesn't work anymore.

如果想講 '我贊同得不能再贊同 '
I can't agree with you (any) more
參考: 十多年住北美經驗, Yahoo 字典
2007-04-21 7:09 pm

參考: me

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