OOP 物作導向程序設計

2007-04-21 4:44 pm
OOP 物作導向程序設計是什麼?
(請不要在網上copy 一大段野落黎,我就係睇唔明先係到問,唔該^^)

回答 (1)

2007-04-22 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
OOP (Object Oriented Programmng) is a programming paradigm that use "object" to build a program, just kind how you assemble a car. For examples:
6 + 8 = 14
in traditional programming lang. to is considerred as an expression, but in OOP, it is considerred there is a object "6", do an operation with object "8", to produce another object "14". Another example is :
num = 6
in OOP, it interupts as an object num will do an operation that takeing "6" as parameter and store 6 as its value.

I think you should read books for OOP. It is a very wild area that cannot be explained in one paragraph

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