2007-04-21 7:14 am
action-reaction pair麥話when exert a force on wall,,,the wall exerts an equal but opposite force on u....所以隻手會痛,,但打人果時,,,都有exert a force on victim's body,,,點解打人果個唔會覺痛gea?!!!!唔係應該個victim's body會exerts an equal but opposite force比打人果個gea 咩?!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-21 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
冇錯打人既時候 你隻手施係人地既力係等於人地施番係你隻手既力
但係 痛唔係痛 同你身體皮膚上既感受器有直接關係
即係身體有d位有多d感受器or 感受器較敏感
咁個d位受力既時候就會痛d la

2007-04-21 00:11:08 補充:
下面個位d concept 錯曬如果冇force react 返比你 你個拳頭就唔會feel 到你打中左佢所以 there must be a force react on you
2007-04-21 7:35 am
um...i think may be it can be explained by the change of (kinetic) energy.After u hit the person, the victim will fall down or at least move a little bit.The kinetic energy is transfer from u to the victim to carry out the motion of falling downing of the victim. There is no force to react on u.

2007-04-22 14:38:25 補充: sorry. Then is that there will not be any energy change?
參考: books

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