咩係新古典主義? help

2007-04-21 6:28 am
我要做功課 pls help
請有中文同英文呀 thz

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2007-04-21 6:37 am
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新古典主義在雕刻藝術上以淺浮雕(bas relief)圖式表現,因此截然不同於巴洛克風格的深度雕刻。代表藝術家有巴利(Barry)、卡諾瓦(Conova)、富拉克斯曼(Flaxman)、漢彌頓(Hamilton)、蒙斯、畢拉內及(Piranesi)、托爾瓦森(Thorwaldsen)、維恩(Vien)、魏斯特(West)。



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For other uses, see Neoclassical (disambiguation).
Neoclassicism (sometimes rendered as Neo-Classicism or Neo-classicism) is the name given to quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture. These movements were in effect at various times between the 18th and 20th centuries. This article addresses what these "neoclassicisms" have in common.

What any "neo"-classicism depends on most fundamentally is a consensus about a body of work that has achieved canonic status (illustration, below). These are the "classics." Ideally— and neoclassicism is essentially an art of an ideal— an artist, well-schooled and comfortably familiar with the canon, does not repeat it in lifeless reproductions, but synthesizes the tradition anew in each work. This sets a high standard, clearly; but though a neoclassical artist who fails to achieve it may create works that are inane, vacuous or even mediocre, gaffes of taste and failures of craftsmanship are not commonly neoclassical failings. Novelty, improvisation, self-expression, and blinding inspiration are not neoclassical virtues; neoclassicism exhibits perfect control of an idiom. It does not recreate art forms from the ground up with each new project, as modernism demanded. "Make it new" was the modernist credo of the poet Ezra Pound.

Late Baroque classicizing: G. P. Pannini assembles the canon of Roman ruins and Roman sculpture into one vast imaginary gallery (1756)Speaking and thinking in English, "neoclassicism" in each art implies a particular canon of "classic" models. Virgil, Raphael, Nicolas Poussin, Haydn. Other cultures have other canons of classics, however, and a recurring strain of neoclassicism appears to be a natural expression of a culture at a certain moment in its career, a culture that is highly self-aware, that is also confident of its own high mainstream tradition, but at the same time feels the need to regain something that has slipped away: Apollonius of Rhodes is a neoclassic writer; Ming ceramics pay homage to Sung celadon porcelains; Italian 15th century humanists learn to write a "Roman" hand we call italic (a.k.a. Carolingian); Neo-Babylonian culture is a neoclassical revival, and in Persia the "classic" religion of Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism, is revived after centuries, to "re-Persianize" a culture that had fallen away from its own classic Achaemenean past. Within the direct Western tradition, the earliest movement motivated by a neoclassicial inspiration is a Roman style that was first distinguished by the German art historian Friedrich Hauser (Die Neuattische Reliefs Stuttgart 1889), who identified the style-category he called "Neo-Attic" among sculpture produced in later Hellenistic circles during the last century or so BCE and in Imperial Rome; the corpus that Hauser called "Neo-Attic" consists of bas reliefs molded on decorative vessels and plaques, employing a figural and drapery style that looked for its canon of "classic" models to late 5th and early 4th century Athens and Attica.
2007-04-21 6:43 am

新古典主義代表畫作:大衛 馬拉之死,1793,油彩、畫布 藏布魯塞爾 皇家美術館


浪漫主義的代表畫作:歌雅 1808年5月3日,1841,油彩,畫布 藏馬德里 普拉多美術館



米勒 (Millet,l814 - 75) ,代表作為
柯洛 (Corot, 1796 - 1875) ,表現微霧迷濛及銀般的綠色,描寫鄉村風景的繒畫中獨樹一幟。作品的空間、光線處理平衡。
在此同時,將寫實主羲與自然主美折衷起來的是馬奈 (Manet, 1832 - 83) 。題材為日常事物,描寫瞬間的視覺品質。1861年,他的「彈吉他者」入選沙龍,此後作品一再遭落選。使用對比色及不尋常的技巧震驚當時,代表作「草地上的午餐」及「奧林匹亞」,更被,評為下流、粗俗、低級


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