
2007-04-21 3:12 am
what is the meaning of arrriba?
what is the meaning of hustle? romp? and stomp?

回答 (3)

2007-04-21 8:22 am
ARRIBA is Spanish.
- Meaning: Above / On top / Up
- Pronunciation: Ah-ree-bah.

HUSTLE is English.
- Meaning: I found it as "agitation", I think it's something like "causing problem" or something alike, I'm not sure about that last meaning I gave to this word, try search for it somewhere else.

ROMP and STOMP, I can't find them, and so either their meanings or of what language they are. Sorry!
參考: Sorry 'cause it will half help you, but I hope this half help I gave you does help you. Have a Nice Day! ^-^
2007-04-21 3:33 am
arrriba:i can't find,check your spelling
hustle:to make sb move quckly by pushing tem in a roug aggressive way
example: I hustled the child off the school
romp: to pay in a happy and noisy way
example:We don't like romps and flirts, though we may act as if we did sometimes.
stomp: to walk, dance, or move with heavy steps
example:She stomped angrily out of the office
參考: OXFORD Advanced Leaner's English -Chinese Dictionary
2007-04-21 3:16 am
I don't know..............................
參考: //

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