問vocab (about HKCEE) 20分!!

2007-04-21 2:27 am

例如: 介紹某某人到香港遊玩


可否補充一下關於旅遊景點的形容詞? 例如: glamorous, fascinating 等等 當然越詳盡越好啦


甘快就無人啦= =

回答 (2)

2007-04-21 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Topic: Education教育
-The present education system is too examination-oriented(考試導向). Too much
emphasis(強調) on examinations is an obstacle to an all-round education.(全人教育)
-The main purposes of education are to unearth students’ potential (發掘潛能)and
nurture their talents.(培養才能)

Topic: Exchange Programme
Benefits: improve your English
broaden your horizons擴闊視野
widen your social circles擴闊社交圈子
experience foregin customs習俗 and traditions
learn to be tactful(圓滑) when living with other people
learn to be more independent
take part in various activities (eg. abseiling攀石, horse riding)
Problems: language problems (accent口音)
culture problems(文化衝擊)
lack of peer (朋輩)support
inconvenience( public transport)

Topic: Health
Diseases: Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome)沙士
Avian flu禽流感
Dengue fever登革熱
AIDS (Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome)愛滋病
Viral hepatitis肝炎
Food posioning食物中毒
Prevention: -maintain(=keep) good personal and environmental hygiene衛生
-adopt (採用)a healthy lifestyle
-cover nose and mouth while sneezing (打噴次)or coughing (咳)
-maintain good indoor ventilation(空氣流通)
-avoid crowded public places where the ventilation is not good
-wash hands properly with soap and water before eating or handling food
and after toilet or changing diapers(尿片)

Topic: Juvenile Delinquency青少年罪行
- vandalism破壞公物
- bullying/ fighting
- shoplifting
- prostitution賣淫
-drug taking

Topic: Disciplinary紀律problems at school
- chatting loudly nonstop in the lessons
- gambling
- cheating 作弊in tests
- cigarette smoking
- flirting 調情during class
-being late to school

Topic: Environmental Pollution
-exhaust emissions廢氣排出
- ozone layer臭氧層
- greenhouse effect溫習效應
- ecological disaster生態危機
-using less plastic bags

Topic: Tourism
-Hong Kong Tourism Board
-Individual Travel Scheme個人遊
-Shopping Paradise購物天堂
-Theme parks
-dum sum restaurants
-Pearl of the Orient東方之珠
-heritage and temples
Special Attractions in HK: Tuen Mun: Ching Chung Koon Taoist temple
Wan Chai: Golden Bauhinia Aquare
Kwai Tsing: Tsing Ma Bridge
Shamshuipo: Apliu Street market
2007-04-21 2:51 am
1.)Domestic violence家庭暴力
2.)Juvenulle criminal少年罪犯
3.) Addiction of PC online game沉迷電腦遊戲
4.)truancy 逃學
6.)drug addiction 吸毒
7.)Smoke addiction吸煙
8.)misuse of drugs 濫藥
9.)Controversial issue具爭議性問題
10.)Effectiveness of Legal System法制的有效性
11.) Introduction of Road Bill交通法例

2007-04-20 18:54:58 補充:
12.)Infation or deflation通脤和通縮13.)Morgage rate抵押利率
參考: Longman Dictionary

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