如果只需要用一年就可以拎到英國大學排名第七十五的學位,讀唔讀得過?University of Huddersfield

2007-04-21 2:05 am
就可以拎到英國排名第七十五(University of Huddersfield )的大學學位,


回答 (2)

2007-04-21 11:01 am
All you need to think about is it worth to invest $64000 to $65000 and one year's time in your own self. How can you judge whether it is worth or not? Why don't you ask yourself what do you really want? You want a degree or just want to keep yourself busy with a one year's course?

And honestly, you are just thinking about 75th of the ranking, this is just the overall ranking, and very dependent on what subject do you do, but for the one years top up degree programme, most probably are business related. But you also need to think about will you be able to get in to any better unis in the U.K. or somewhere else with your current qualification?

If you are still a full time student without any solid experience, that maybe quite important for you that which uni do you come from, but if you are already working now and just part time studying, then honestly pretty same, never mind which university you study at. And I tell you the truth that most of the good unis in the U.K. (let say top 30's), they will not accept any final year's top up programme! University of Wolverhampton is just at 90 something at the overall ranking, but as far as I know, their faculty of Law is doing pretty well, and the ranking in Laws Studies is at the top 30 in the U.K., but 90 something at the overall, so, can you judge that uni is good or bad?

2007-04-21 03:04:44 補充:
By the way, most of the unis at England are doing Honours degree, and just depends on what is your final scores, if you reach their standard to get a 1st, 2.1, 2.2 or 3 classed honours degree. Otherwise, just ordinary degree without honours, but nothing to do with small town or big city though.
2007-04-21 7:14 am
(1) As told by the others, 75 out of 110 is a bit lower in ranking.

(2) It depends on your goal - i.e. Ask yourself why you need to study for that particular degree. If you just want a degree title for promotion, etc., an UK degree is fine. If you want to experience what is a degree course, it is still OK. But remember, never think that having a degree would make a very big change to your life. I have 3 Master degrees in three different fields (Chemistry, Economics and Information Systems) but my life is still the same - a manager in public sector, no promotion during the past 8 years, etc.

In brief, if you want the title for promotion (and your office accepts this degree), it is fine. UK degree is always more welcome than some small (and unknown) degree from Australia or USA.

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