我想知''the elephant man''呢個故事講咩~

2007-04-21 1:21 am
我想知''the elephant man''呢個故事講咩~

回答 (2)

2007-04-21 1:26 am
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The story begins with Dr Frederick Treves (Anthony Hopkins) discovering John Merrick (John Hurt) in a Victorian freak show where he is managed by the brutish Bytes (Freddie Jones). Merrick is so hideously deformed that he must wear a hood when in public. Also, Bytes claims his exhibit is an imbecile. Treves is moved by Merrick's condition and pays Bytes to bring him to his hospital so that he can inspect him and present a lecture on his peculiar physique, at which Treves coldly displays him as a mere curiosity. On Merrick's return, Bytes beats him so severely that Treves is called, who attempts to take him back to the hospital. Bytes confronts Treves and accuses him of also exploiting Merrick for his own ends, which leads the surgeon to resolve to do what he can to help the unfortunate man.

The ward nurses are revolted by Merrick's appearance, so Treves places him in a quarantine room under the watchful care of the dour matron, Mothershead (Wendy Hiller). Mr Carr Gomm (John Gielgud), the Governor of the Hospital, questions Treves about the infectious patient and reminds him that the place cannot entertain an incurable. Treves attempts to coach Merrick (who has thus far remained mute) to recite a few polite sentences such as "Hello. My name is John Merrick." However, during his interview with Carr Gomm, the confused and anxious Merrick breaks down. Carr Gomm leaves, telling Treves it was a good attempt, but the man is an obvious imbecile. As Carr Gomm walks away, Treves hears Merrick in a strong and confident voice recite the 23rd Psalm and he calls back his superior.

It is soon revealed that Merrick is in fact a sophisticated and articulate person, and that his playing dumb is merely a defence mechanism to avoid beatings from Bytes. Carr Gomm arranges a set of rooms at the hospital, and Queen Victoria — having learned of Merrick — instructs funds to be set aside for his care. He makes drawings and models of churches and reads. Merrick visits the home of Treves and his wife (Gordon) and reveals his most treasured possession, a portrait of his mother. When he states his hope that his mother would love him if she could only see what lovely friends he now has, Mrs. Treves breaks down and begins to weep, much to her embarrassment. Merrick begins to receive society visitors in his rooms, including the actress Mrs Kendall (Anne Bancroft) and becomes a celebrity. He becomes so successful that the head nurse complains that it seems that Merrick is still being treated as a freak show attraction, albeit in a more upper class, celebrated style. For Treves' part, this observation and his role in this situation deeply trouble him, and he begins to question whether or not he has done the right thing.


John Hurt as Joseph Merrick
2007-04-21 1:30 am
片名: 象人
導演: 大衛連治
演員: 安東尼鶴健士


象人 是改編自真人真事。故事發生在十九世紀,一位英國人患有先天的毀容症,無法根治,日常生活受到很大的困擾,常常被人歧視。幸好一位好心的醫生,以其高明的醫術醫好他,並幫他重拾信心...

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