Financial Consultant 要有那幾個 牌 (licence) 呀?

2007-04-20 11:49 pm
有冇人知做Financial Consultant or Financial planner 要有那幾個牌 (licence) 呀?

I mean 政監處要求的 licences.
1. 在那裏買到書來讀呀?
2. 可以自修or 一定要上堂呀?
3. any website can find those informations?
thank you!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-21 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be a Financial Consultant ans Financial Planner, you may need a SFC No. 4 Licence (which you need to get pass on Paper 1, 7and 8). It is not a must, but it will be better for you to have it. Because you might give people advise on investment.

1, There are plenty of books you can get it from the book stores. Or you can get them in Hong Kong Securities Institude in: Room 2403-08, 24th Floor, Wing On Centre
111 Connaught Road Central Hong Kong

2, You can join a course in HKSI or some other institution, otherwise you may self study to take the eaxm.

3,, this is the web-site for HKSI.

Normally they will held the exams at the last Saturday every month.

Good luck!
2007-04-21 12:44 am
Financial Consultants / Financial Planner太廣泛啦,你去以下條Link睇下究竟你要個牌嚟做咩先。
2007-04-21 12:32 am
1. 人壽保險牌
2. 一般保險牌
3. 投資相連產品牌
4. MPF牌

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