
2007-04-20 11:33 pm
Moreover, could not be few certainly was the support and the assistance. Although we did not have the congress reporter, we had the voluntary schoolmates to help the senate fields to take a photograph. Although we did not have the cheering term, we had the schoolmates and the staff to help our senate fields to cheer, an atmosphere to run higher. On the other hands, we had the rescues the wound team to help unfortunately person to processes the wound.

另外,少不了的就是支持和協助。 雖然我們沒有記者,然而我們有志願者幫助我們的同學拍照。 雖然我們沒有啦啦隊,但是我們有同學和職員幫我們打氣, 氣氛十分高漲。 另一方面,我們有援救創傷小組,幫助那些在比賽中, 不幸受傷的同學處理的傷口。


我都知自己既英文文法非常差.. 但我已經好努力啦..在此,非常謝謝各位的幫忙!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-21 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

Moreover, support and assistance should be in considerated. Although we did not have the congress reporter, we had voluntary schoolmates to help the senate fields for taking photographs. Although we did not have the cheer squad, we had schoolmates and staff to help our senate fields to cheer up, and made a great atmosphere. On the other hands, we had a first aid team to help the schoolmates which get hurt during the games.

2007-04-21 7:05 pm
Moreover, help and support were essential. Although we did not have reports, but there were volunteers to take photos for us. Even there was no cheer leaders present, school mates and office clerks did act like it. Everyone was feeling great.

In addition, our rescue team members did deserve a hand. They assisted those school mates that were injured during the match.....
2007-04-21 12:02 am
KimmY, remember to use simple english, and avoid lengthy sentence...

The paragraph should be ..
Moreover, Support and Assistance is a must.
Although we don't have any reporter, we have voluntaries to take the photos for our schoolmates.
Although we don't have any cheering team, we are all supported by our schoolmates and staffs, the atmosphere is high.
In addition, we have rescue team, which can help the injured persons to take care their wounds during the match.

... Though the above writing is quite standard, it is clean and tidy enough.

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