
2007-04-20 9:54 pm
如果想講,"由於3月份是傳統零售業的淡季,總銷售額受季度性下跌影響,這個月份錄得H.K XXXXXXXX",呢句點轉為口語化英文呢?請幫忙!

還想補充一點係,如果想講" 相信這情形會維持一至二個月"呢句點講呢?

回答 (8)

2007-04-20 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since March is the low season for the traditional retail industry, the total sales volume has thus been affected by the quarterly declination. The recorded sales volume for this month is Hk xxxxx

Too many mistakes for 波波橙 and terry94361472.... sorry, guys.

- Low season is more common than non-peak season
- Incorrect logic to use "in spite of low season .... sales dropping". In spite of = although. Please note.
- Cannot use dropping, because it is a continuously tense. You have the record already, how can you say it is dropping ?
- "Because" normally will not be use in the beginning of a sentence. 由於 = Since.
- "Trade off" means ...example : If you want to smoke, you have a higher chance to get Cancer, that is a trade off.
- "falls the influence the quarter" .... big gammer mistake. You can say "falls in the quarter" or "falls and being influenced in the quarter"...
- "this month of record" ... another gammer mistake.... You can say "record of this month" or "this month's record".
2007-04-21 4:28 am
Because March is the traditional retail trade off season, the total sales volume falls the influence the quarter, this month of record H.K ", the period transfers the anglicizing English? Please help!
2007-04-21 12:58 am
Because of March being the slack period of traditional retail business, it is influenced that the total sales amount is dropped by the quarter sex, record H.K XXXXXXXX this month " ,
2007-04-20 11:56 pm
,"由於3月份是傳統零售業的淡季,總銷售額受季度性下跌影響,這個月份錄得H.K XXXXXXXX",

" Because March is the traditional retail trade off season, thetotal sales volume falls the influence the quarter, this month ofrecord H.K XXXXXXXX"


Believed this situation can maintain one to two months
2007-04-20 10:01 pm
如果想講,"由於3月份是傳統零售業的淡季,總銷售額受季度性下跌影響,這個月份錄得H.K XXXXXXXX",呢句點轉為口語化英文呢?請幫忙!

Since this is the traditional slow season of this retail business, the sales amount being dropped tremendously, the turnover recorded HK$xxxxxxxx.
參考: SELF
2007-04-20 10:01 pm
March is usually a traditional low season for retail sales. Total sales is affect by this seasonal drop. Our sales this month is HK$xxxxxx.
參考: 自己
2007-04-20 10:00 pm
If wants to say, " Because March is the traditional retail trade off season, the total sales volume falls the influence the quarter, this month of record H.K XXXXXXXX"
2007-04-20 9:59 pm
In spite of the non peak season of the traditional retail industry, the total sales volume is dropping in the quarter, the recorded sales volume is HK$XXXXXX.

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