我想問關於Direct3D既問題 ?! 20點*~

2007-04-20 9:46 pm


回答 (3)

2007-04-21 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Direct X祇係一個軟體介面, Direct加速係需要顯示(無論內置或外置)硬件結合driver去使用 -

1. 假定用內置顯示, 底板顯示driver裝設好未?

2. 若用外罝顯卡跟卡driver又裝好未?

以上兩樣任何一項裝置正確你都會見倒執行dxdiag裡顯示那一頁下面會有一句裝置未發現任何問題, 除非你既硬件好舊好舊(5年以上), 根本未能支援9.0c, 冇任何硬件資料冇得講落去!!!
2007-04-21 9:04 am
you can try to go the website of your video card 's company and try to find and download the newest driver of the video card.i've tried it before and it is ok.but i suggest you to a new video card if it does not work.maybe you can find some professionals to check your computer too.
參考: me
2007-04-20 9:50 pm
I don't know

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