
2007-04-20 8:59 pm
Do you have confidence of HKCEE?
Do you have confidence in HKCEE?

回答 (5)

2007-04-20 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
confidence in

2007-04-20 13:06:06 補充:
confidence (n.)1. 自信,信心,把握[U][( in)][ to-v][ that]He lacks confidence in himself.他缺少自信。2. 信賴,信任[U][( in)]We have confidence in the mayor.我們信任這位市長。3. (向知心人吐露的)祕密,私房話[C]4. 大膽;過於自信;狂妄[U]
參考: myself
2007-04-20 9:22 pm
confidence in !
2007-04-20 9:07 pm
Do you have confidence in HKCEE?
參考: me
2007-04-20 9:07 pm
The second sentence.

Or a more precise way to translate the Chinese version (when the exam has NOT yet been taken) is:

Do you have confidence in taking the HKCEE?

Hope the above helps.
2007-04-20 9:02 pm
confidence in

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