Assistant merchandiser 同Merchandising clerk

2007-04-20 6:28 pm
所以我想轉公司,我唔知我可唔可以apply到AM黎做...我唔知AM係做咩=_= 我以前做MC要做ga野係(我係development team, 冇跟過貨)︰

回答 (3)

2007-04-20 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have one year experience and also have solid working experience for dealing with factory and developing the project. Also these is good for your further career in merchandising field.

For a Merchandiser work duty, it includes many thing.

1) Communicate with client/buyer for the next season planning.
2) Liaison with factory/vendor for the sample development and quote.
3) Confirm the specification with client and factory.
4) Finalize the contract (PO) and set up the production schedule.
5) Follow up for any factory audit and product inspection.
6) Document preparation and liaison with shipping department or agent.

Normally, the flow includes Sourcing, Product Development, Production Follow-up, Inspection, and finally Shipment. And the distribution of work would depend on the company structure. Some company have separated Sourcing Team. Some would be included in the AM/M daily duty.

So, when you go to an interview, you may ask for more details on the distribution of duty.

Meanwhile, as you have the experience to do the MC (actually the same as AM) as well as Sourcing experience, you may try to let them know it. However, as you only have 1 year working experience, it is hard to apply for a Merchandiser title. But AM shall be OK.

Anyway, there is so many company need AM/M. They have different field of work. So you may find the one most suitable to you in the future.

For the English ability, try to read more and use the Dictionary more frequency. It shall be OK especially if the client is not English Speaking (there English also not very good)..!

The selary shall be around 8K per month la.
2007-04-29 11:38 am
Actually yr daily job duties exactally is asst merch job duties. just the job title difference.
if u study fashion design, u can try to apply asst designer or asst product developer. I think it will be suitable for u. Because merchandiser job duties was different to design or product develop, it's more complicate & more painful.....

About the qualification, honestly gmt field need exp more than the qualification, but if u want to apply buying office or want to promote to highrer post, they also need you are high dip or degree holder.

And the engish ability, don't worry about that, many foreigns(except their mother language is english), their english also not very good. For my exp, I worked in Italian buying office, they speak Italy style english........... ho ho ho

About the salary, no matter is AM/ AD/ APD, their px range around 8-10K, depends on yr working exp, qualification & the company scale. Of course, big company = can pay more money but need high qualification.
參考: i am gmt merchandiser
2007-04-21 7:19 am
其實我入行既時候都只係一個merchandising clark.
我可以話比你知, 你之前所做既咪係AM要做既野!!

你介唔介意要長期係大陸, 唔係即日來會個D呀! 係要STATE係上面, 可能係星期尾.
如果係既話你會有好多公司請你. 你可以揾AGENT幫你揾工.

你係讀緊FASION DESIGN, 係唔係真係咁有興趣入DESIGN行業?
不過我唔係好睇好. 如果你係好彩去到一間行的話就好, 如果唔係的話, 做跟單當然係好D.
所以你睇吓會唔會STOP咗個CORSE (仲有你係邊間學校讀)

另外, 有一D公司做AM都可能只係做DEVELOPMENT, 冇跟過大貨唔係咁重要.

About the Salary issue - Due to I don't know the salary you earn on this co.
Can't advise the best $$ you can apply for!
Basically, if you have 7K, you can apply / request to 9K. Change co. & add 2K apply new job, this is OK!
If you apply through agent, the agent also will suggest the best salary for you to apply!!

Good luck for you!!
參考: myself

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