幫我作句,要係wh,例如what is your good friend,快!!!

2007-04-20 11:01 am
幫我作句,要係wh,例如what is your good friend,快!!!


回答 (2)

2007-04-20 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
WHEN - WHEN did you last see Ralph? 你上一次见到拉芙是几时?
Since WHEN has she taught here? 她什么时候开始在这儿教书的?
Don't get excited WHEN you talk. 你说话时别激动。

HOW - HOW did you climb to the top of that building? 你是如何爬上楼顶的?
That's why HOW we became acquainted. 我们就是这样认识的。

WHO - WHO has borrowed my pen? 谁借了我的钢笔?
Did Mary tell you WHO that girl's father is? 玛莉有没有告诉你那女孩的

WHERE - WHERE shall we go? 我们去哪里?
The driver asked me where I wanted to go. 司机问我想去哪里。
WHERE does he come from? 他是哪里人?

WHY - WHY should you be so interested in my affairs? 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣?
That's WHY I came here. 那就是我为何要来这里的原因。

WHAT - WHAT did you say? 你说什么?
WHAT a good heart you have! 你的心肠真好!
WHAT does it count? 这有什么关系?

WHICH - WHICH is my seat? 那个座位是我的?
He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。
WHICH university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge? 你上过那所大学?
2007-04-20 11:20 am
What is going on here?

Where did you go?

What a beautiful picture it is.

Who are you?

What about me?

What is your question?

What do you think?

Who do you think you are?

When does she come back?or,,,When is she coming back?

What is wrong?

What just happened?

Where do you want to go?

Where is it?

Where is it located?

What a pretty,,

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