Best Superhero?

2007-04-20 12:09 am
Give me your favorite superhero and why. Just interested about peopls opinions on why we love these fictionary characters.

回答 (11)

2007-04-20 12:16 am
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I would list the reasons, but I'll do it later. Ha hah.

Maybe cuz he's got a wholesome attitude to him and believes in mercy and morals and all that junk that a hero should represent. He is an embodiment of ideals that every person should strive to achieve.

Also he's hella strong and "THIS.ENDS.NOW!!"
2007-04-20 7:59 am
My favorite superhero will probably be Wolverine. When I was much younger i saw a picture of Wolverine on the cover of his first on going series in 1988. He was dressed in tattered black claws out crazed look on his face.... I dunno, that image just stuck. I then went out and read his first appearance in Hulk.... And Boom! I was hooked. For me it was originally that first image that made me love this fictional character.

The best superhero is (in my fanboyish opinion) is consistently Captain America. This is aside from the fact he was an everyman hero that was upgraded to the pinnacle of human potential, he always stood for more than just himself. He was symbolic of America in a way that even Superman can't match. It is too bad he's dead now.
參考: Here's that first image i saw of Wolverine:
2007-04-20 7:18 am
Batman (from Batman Begins). I love Christian Bale.
2007-04-20 7:18 am
Green Lantern. He's picked as being the bravest human by an alien, he has an all-powerful ring (except against yellow and ghostly type stuff), and he can kick-butt! He can fly, fight, even shoot from his ring. How cool is that?
2007-04-20 7:14 am
spiderman cause if you could be infected with any bug it would be a spider and if i could dress up as ANY HERO IT WOULD BE HIM. i love spiderman
參考: the talking peanut inside my head
2007-04-20 7:12 am
2007-04-20 12:56 pm
hell its all about Captain Planet! ah i wish i was a planeteer......"saving the planet is the thing to do!"
2007-04-20 11:17 am
Goku, Because no other hero has ever shown a heart and compasion for anyone even evil villians that come to kill him,He's always found away or jumped to a new level of power and never gives up ,and he will tell you himself that you can do anything if youtry hard enough and if you fail at least you know you 've done your best ,He's said and shown this many times even in the heat of battle,He's a great father he's what we really see of our fathers because he's a best friend a playmate as well as a protector that will give his life in an instant if he knew it would save anyone,not just his friends,Unlike other heros Goku wasn't given his powers he obtained them by training his butt off,getting his butt kicked pushing his body mind and soul beyond any limits the only other person in action comics history that trains equally as hard is Vageta.Goku won't think twice to go into a battle he know's that the odds are against him to save someone.And he's been saving the planet since he was a child now he saves universes and other worlds for the sake of good.He's a warrior who heaven even allows special privilages because of his sacrifices for earth no other hero has ever done that.Goku never wants things given to him easily,he's a brutal warrior unmatched by any no matter how many others may hate him he's silly and caring and a big goofball at times but you can take nothing away from his warrior nature thats why Goku is the Greatest hero ever in my book.You just don't get all of that from other heros not even his bloodline can bring and once of evil to his heart unlike many other heros (Marvel or DC).Goku is the best.
2007-04-20 7:14 am
cat women because sh is a girl and she can climb on walls and stuff!!!!!!!!!!
2007-04-20 7:14 am
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, heck, the enitre Justice League! But not the Wonder Twins.
2007-04-20 7:13 am
Barrack Obama.

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