Why isn't Japanese food as popular in Edinburgh as it is in London?

2007-04-19 5:54 pm
Gaaah... I'm starting to regret choosing Edinburgh University over King's College London >_<

I've found only TWO Japanese restaurants in Edinburgh: a shoddy one (Bonsai) and one that rips you off (Izzi). The rest, as I've read on the internet, have closed from lack of business.

I went to London last week, and BAM... there were Japanese restaurants EVERYWHERE! Wonderful food, impeccably authentic, and not as expensive as I expected either! Good business too.

So why aren't Scots embracing Japnaese food like the Londoners are???

Yes yes, you can argue all you want about London being multicultural and international... but:

(1) Edinburgh is trying to label itself an "international city" but I see it's failing miserably. Even the Chinese food here isn't real Chinese food but an Anglicised travesty.

(2) Japanese food in London is as popular with local English businessmen and students as it is with foreigners.

回答 (7)

2007-04-23 3:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes its true bonsai is not that great. there are some small japanese restaurants on rose street. i forgot the name but i really liked the different sushi, also the wasabi was fresh and, by god it had a real bite. do try to find it.
2007-04-20 11:27 am
Indeed - a question I have asked myself.
I lived in London for three years, and had sushi all the time...but in Edinburgh there are hardly any Japanese restaurants.

However, to be an 'international city' I dont think you have to have a lot of 'international restaurants' neccessarily. It also has to do with the people who live their, different cultures etc.
2007-04-19 6:02 pm
Now don't start with all those racial things and blame the people in Edinbrugh. It depends on the taste and preferences of the people you know. I mean, London is the capital city, a good tourist place, famous spot in the world so naturally you will find lots of exotic restaurants in London. And I mean not only Japanese but many other restaurants like Indian, Chinese etc etc.
Edinburgh is different, not like London. People prefer something else. But don't let that change your academic plans.
2007-04-19 8:48 pm
everyone has different taste and they decide to change it up and serve different just like in-and -out sell chesseburger and steak house sells steak and people dont want ot jsut eat chinse food all the time but thats just my opion
2007-04-19 5:57 pm
Because of Virginia Tech people are scared to eat asian food.
2016-04-01 8:57 pm
During a recent trip to Scotland I noticed that many people were happily consuming deep fried Mars bars ( chocolate) and anything else that can be purchased at the 'chippie'. The 'chip shop' which is equally popular in England has become the fast food prefered by many Scotts
2007-04-19 5:58 pm
because people in london are stupid

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