
2007-04-20 7:29 am
志偉精於電腦,醉心黑客技術,並終日沉迷網上遊戲。女同學阿May 成績差劣,志偉
入侵學校電腦偷取試卷,助阿May 考試過關。
志偉向阿May 借用網上遊戲帳戶及密碼以作報酬,阿May 迫不得已答應要求。一星期
後阿May 收到網上遊戲月結單,發覺收費比平時高出十多倍。

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ambassador of technology safety say that science and technology had brought a great deal of convenience to human lifes, meanwhile it cause a lot of security problem on technoly like the case below:

CW was an expert in computer, he idolize in hacker technique and addict online games. His classmate, May always get worse in her exam result so that CW inbreak school's computer system to steal exam paper for helping May passed in exam. He request May to lend him her online games account and password as reward, May forced to comply his request. After a week, May received the bill of online games and she noticed that the charge was much more higher than before.

Soon, CW's ability was well-knowned by others schoolmates, they tempt him to inbreak school's computer system to steal exam paper with money, he can't resist the temptation of money so that he comply to do that.

He use those rewards that he get by using hacker technique to apply credit card and bought a pair of sport shoes that was out of print of excellent brand at online shop. Because of the goods still undelivered for quite a long time so that he demand with make call to that company. He noticed that the online shop was inexistence, it's just a grift trick of lawless persons, and his credit card account been misappropriate a few thousand dollar.

At the same time, his inbreak crime was detect by police and under arrest.
Ambassador of technology safety analyse the crime correlation with computer that involved in the case, effect to others field and the method to prevent.

2007-04-21 6:17 am
IT security information see the ambassador pointed out to us a number of convenient living, it also raises many IT security problems, as the following cases : Talented Zhiwei, intent on hacking technology, and always indulged in on-line games. Azerbaijan May poor student achievement, Zhiwei invasion computer stolen papers to help Argentina through May examinations. Zhiwei Albania May accounts and passwords to use online games as a reward, Azerbaijan May forced comply with the requests. May received one week after the Argentine online games statements, found that some 10 times higher than the normal fee. More and more students know Zhiwei "skills" in the hope of stealing the school asked him to the invasion papers. Zhiwei students in the temptation of money, and eventually succumb to the temptation. Zhiwei hacker earned money to print cards to purchase brand-name sneakers. As Zhiwei delay in delivery, calling the inquiry was shocked to find that the online store does not exist. unscrupulous tactics to secure fraud, credit card accounts and Zhiwei has been signed by several thousand dollars bills. At that time, the website of the incident, have been detected on schools, Zhiwei was eventually arrested. Ambassador analyze information security cases involving computer-related crimes, and the impact of various methods of prevention.
參考: me

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