
2007-04-20 7:11 am

定係買單程票好呢 ?

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 10:26 am
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首先, 請問你怎樣由荷蘭到倫敦?? 經陸路你需要於布魯塞爾轉車乘 Eurostar, 或可直接飛去倫敦. 倫敦去巴黎的 Eurostar , 火車證不包, 需額外買票 (布魯塞爾的一程也是). 巴黎到阿姆斯特丹的 Thalys 火車, 有火車證也需補付大量差額
因此火車證對你根本沒有幫助, 完全不用考慮 !!
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-04-21 10:20 am
If I look at your schedule, it would be much cheaper to take the domestic flight from Amsterdam to London (www.skyscanner.net) (I am not too sure about the fares in May/June). But this website shows you all available airlines and fares, and you can purchase the tickets here.

London to Paris, you can choose either take the Eurostar or domestic flights, but be aware of London have 4 airports, if you take the domestic flight, make sure you get to the right airport, most of the domestic flights are not flying from Heathrow Airport. But this route from London to Paris, I think would be cheaper to take the train, as from the city to the airport always take times and fares are never cheap, and the train stations in Europe are always just located right at the city centre.

From Paris to Holland, you need to take TGV, even though you have got the Eruorail pass, you still need to pay some additional cost to TGV, so, if your schedule is fixed, you could get some price information at 學聯 for a Eurorail pass and also for two single tickets price, see which one is cheaper.

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