Momentum (F.4)

2007-04-20 7:08 am
a)An experimant in which a peanut is put at the bottom of a glass column and a mass is dropped from the mouth of the glass column. The peanut doesn't break because their is a cushion below it. Explain briefly why the peanut does not break with physical explanation..
b)Explain briefly why people use cushioned envelope to send fragile items.

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) When the mass collides with the peanut, the two objects will fall onto the cushion.
By the equation F = △P/△t, i.e. force of impact = impluse / time of contact, the force exerted on the peanut by the mass is reduced due to the presence of the cushion as the time of contact is lengthened, while the impulse is also small as the mass of a peanut is very small (△P = m(v-u)). So when a small impulse is divided by a long time of contact, the force of impact is small.

b) To lengthen time of contact to reduce force of impact as explained in (a)
參考: myself
2007-04-20 7:18 am
a) time of the mass to decelerate increased
--> time of impact increased
--> maximum pressure act on peanut decreased

b) less easy to be broken as maximum pressure act on fragile items decreased
參考: self

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