change the chinese manu to english

2007-04-20 7:04 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
珍珠雙菇雞粒飯 Minced Chicken with mushroom and rice
意式香草龍脷飯 Fish with herb italian style and rice
鮮茄焗豬扒飯 Bake Pork Chop with Tomato and rice
甜酸菠蘿牛柳飯 Sweet and Sour Beef Strips with pineapple and rice
意式焗闊條麵 Italian style bake pasta
雞膇+粟米+菜肉包+天使麵 DrumStick + Corn + Veg. Meat Bun + Angel Hair Pasta
粟米汁雞髀飯 Drumstick with Corn Sauce and rice
焗香草牛扒飯(豬+牛) Baked steak with herb and rice (Pork + Beef)
芝士火腿三文治(麥包) Ham and Cheese Sandwich (wheat bread)
沙爹雞柳炆米(少辣) Satay Chicken Fillet with Mei Fun (mild)
焗白汁石斑飯兒童餐 Bake Fish fillet with white sauce (kids meal)
日式照燒雞扒(珍珠米) Japanese style roast chicken (pearl Rice)
2007-04-23 6:35 pm
Pearl chicken-mushroom rice grain Italian rice vanilla Long Lei fresh eggplant baked pork chop with rice flavor beef cattle Slice pork fried noodle Cuiyu Guanajuato broken Corn tomatoes Kok + Corn Cuiyu broken Sweet - melon, pineapple fried rice Italian Beef Baked width of the face steamed soy bean juice BU marinated chicken meal packages mounted legs fluffy speculation when Guanajuato ham + garnish legs fluffy when speculation mounted Guanajuato chicken corn + + + package Cairu Angel Thrips beans BU mention pork with rice juice corn meal Baked chicken thigh Hong rice grass thickness (pig + cow) ham and cheese sandwich (whole grain bread) White meat mention broken melon message meat broken garnish + ham width of this meat eggplant - tofu soup with rice Satay fresh message meters (less spicy) Baked Baishi children grouper rice meal broken Thrips Thrips fried pork broken shoot the ball Coombe + ham this meat Angel + + potato chicken mounted Lattice Corn + + style ham as chicken overtaking (sushi) rice Italian Lung Liu Lei Lo Silk soy powder Fung melon juice steamed rice ribs broken eat meat peanut porridge meat broken oyster sauce carrot garnish + Pekingese fish meat oyster sauce radish three broken wire speculation Surface + garnish

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