
2007-04-20 6:35 am
In this competition, every schoolmate's mood is dissimilar. Some people can break the congress record so they are very happy, but some people cannot so they are unhappy. Some people have failed in this competition, their feeling are disappointed. Some people extremely care about their result, so they are very anxious. Some people because their compete result are good, make they are joyful comfort. Some people only care about the sport spirit, does not care about the result.

係已經過左去既事黎嫁,而家只係報導返出黎! 係未應該用過去式..ABOUT SPORT DAY!!~

回答 (3)

2007-04-20 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
In this competition, feeling of every schoolmate were different. Some could break the record so they were very happy. Some failed to get a place in the competition, they feeling so disappointed. Some were very anxious as they were extremely cared about the result. Some were joyful because they could get good result. Some people only cared about sports spirit, did not care about the result at all.

好努力咁依你意思去改,不過太Chinese English,其實語意有d問題架...
參考: 自己
2007-04-20 2:14 pm

In the competition, everyone's feeling varied largely from the others'. Some of them who broke the record were filled with contentment but the rest were not as much. People who did not win in this competition were disappointed. Some people were anxious because they were worried about the results. Some were joyful because of their satisfying result. Some who treasure the participating spirit, did not mind about the results.


第二句:Some people (could) break the... record so they were very happy
呢度你用左can (could),咁姐係話”果d人可以破記錄,所以就好開心”,要留意既係佢地係”可以破”記錄,唔係佢地”破左”記錄,換句說話黎講,佢地係有能力去破記錄,所以佢地就開心啦,但係我諗你既意思唔係咁,我估你既意思係話”佢地破到記錄,所以就開心”吧?我就直接改做佢地”破左”記綠啦,簡單又正確:Some people broke the record...

仲有就係你話care about their result(s),呢度用worried比較適合:worried about their results,care雖然係可以做”關心”的意思,但係中英意思唔同,care響度冇咁適用,你應該話佢地係”為結果覺得焦慮”

最後就係,雖然我改左做everyone,但係我覺得你如果你要用schoolmate呢個字既話,建議你用student會比較好,因為呢份係report,咁student會係generalised一d,除非你要特別指明你都係有份響事件當中既,咁就用my schoolmates啦

2007-04-20 06:17:35 補充:
sorry,最尾果句:Some who treasure the participating spirit, did not mind about the results. 個treasure漏左個d,應該係:treasured
2007-04-20 7:22 am
In this competition, every schoolmate' s mood is very different . Some schoolmates were very happy because they could break the congress record , but some schoolmates felt unhappy and disapported because of their failure in the competion . Some schoolmates extremely cared about their result, so they were very anxious . In general, some who got good result showed their joyfulness while some who only cared about the sport spirit didn' t seem to care at all .

Hope this helps !

2007-04-20 15:34:48 補充:
Correction :In this competition, ......... mood is very different ------->.........mood was very different .

2007-04-20 15:38:46 補充:
Sorry for the typing mistake : disapported ------- disappointed

2007-04-20 15:55:47 補充:
回應樓下網友 : 您對care about的解釋正確 , 感謝您的指正 . care about( phrasal verb) : 1. feel interest or solicitude about : 1. be perturbed or worried about .

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