hku space top-up degree(uwa & middlesex)

2007-04-20 5:47 am
讀hku space 的university of western australia(uwa)的communication studies好, 定middlesex university的media & cultural studies好??
uwa 的communication d科讀係唔係唔實用?
middlesex的media & cultural好似實用d..... 但ranking唔好...


回答 (2)

2007-04-21 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我之前都有過lee個問題, 我估你係AD student 係唔係? 我最後係選擇UWA, 而我最後就去埋Perth 讀...Frankly, the communication studies course offer by UWA is more theory based....and middlesex is more practical. That's why the format of assignments in both unis are different. As I observed, the course of UWA is a bit boring but it is really a good uni in western australia. 因為我o係Perth 讀o個陣,o係街上遇到人問你讀邊間and you answer "UWA" then people usually 會話你好犀厲..haha! Coz local is quite hard to enter this uni. If you wanna know the detail about that UWA degree, you can browse the follow web site:, 裡面有all the informations abt this course. 其實lee 間uni 真係唔錯.
至於middlesex, 佢個course 學o野真係實用的,但是要睇你日後想做乜工la...their web site as follow:

Hope the info can help
參考: myself, UWA and Middlesex offical homepages
2007-04-21 11:18 am
Honestly, if you are not come from the very top universities (i.e. Oxford, Cambridge...etc), the ranking is not really that important! Do you think the employer will ask you the question like "what is the ranking of your uni?".

If you want to do a degree, get the qualification for your career in the future, then go this way, which one (the modules) you think is more useful and suit yourself.

Believe me, those ranking things, if not come from the top 10 or maybe top 30, then the others are not going to make a big different!

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