
2007-04-20 4:59 am

我依家搵到tv版1-52 我想要之後既ova~除左永光傳 1.ova係咪有3套? 2.其中一套係永光傳?? 如果係既話可唔可以搵埋其他既ova比我?? 我要dl..唔要上網睇..因為成日斷... 如果要用bt既話講埋dl邊隻bt同埋比個網我dl bt.. thx~

回答 (5)

2007-04-21 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
hey. i like 不思議遊戲, too.

You can find it in Youtube.
First you can search by typing the english name of the cartoon {fushigi yuugi}.
You can also go there and find these 3 users: ZigZagVampy, gretchenne, kaye0025. After that, you can find all the videos from the user.

There are 52 episodes in total.
Episodes contained in these 3 accounts:
ZigZagVampy (episodes 1-52)
gretchenne (episodes 17-52)
kaye0025 (episodes 1-5)

And there are 4 episodes in its OVA 永光傳.
Name of the account:FunYum2032
You can also search by typing http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fushigi+yuugi+ova&search=Search

However, the cartoon is shown with english subtitles. So, I hope you will not mind.

You may also watch it on this website, cartoon bar.
http://www.kt8.com.cn/down/view_4492.html(OVA, 永光傳)

2007-04-26 20:42:22 補充:
You can actually download 不思議遊戲 from cartoon bar:http://www.kt8.com.cn/down/view_4499.htmlhttp://www.kt8.com.cn/down/view_4492.html (永光傳, 4 episodes)Sorry that I cannot find the first OVA about 天罡 (9 episodes).

2007-04-26 20:43:44 補充:
OVA about 天罡 (9 episodes)第一部 1 失去的羈絆 2 悲傷的閃光3 離別以及...第二部 1 蠱惑的胎動 2 沉默之童 3 轉生的發露 4 友誼的火燄5 儚之水鏡 6 未來,為了重逢

2007-04-26 20:44:17 補充:
You can check the information about this OVA from this website though.http://www2.hkedcity.net/sch_files/a/mag/mag-it99/public_html/fushigiova.htmSorry about that.
參考: Youtube, myself, cartoon bar
2007-04-21 11:24 pm
http://www.kt8.com.c n/down/view_4499.htm l
http://www.kt8.com.c n/down/view_4492.htm l(永光傳)
http://jpopforum.net /thread-166493-1-1.h tml(atv版)

http://www.bbsour.co m/index.php
2007-04-20 5:21 am
參考: me
2007-04-20 5:08 am
In YouTube有得睇呀!
參考: myself

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