
2007-04-20 3:38 am
本人今年會計degree 畢業, 一係留係香港發展,考香港會計師牌,一係移民美國讀master,但是大概要一年時間至攪到. 咁我應該留係香港還是到美國發展,如果到美國讀master應該要準備d咩, 我要搵agent 幫手還是自己搵學校, d application 的時間又係點? thanks

回答 (1)

2007-04-21 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honestly, my own opinion is if it is affordable for your situation, of course go to the States and try some new things! You can always come back to Hong Kong in the future if you really don't like living in the States, but at least you can keep yourself have alternatives. If you now settle everything in H.K., you may not be able to change it after few years.

It sounds like you don't even have a clue on how the American education system runs, you'd better consult with the agents and get more ideas and options.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:21:37
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