
2007-04-20 2:19 am
8.他沒有架子, 而言很聰明


回答 (4)

2007-04-20 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.會考成績單 -------------HKCEE result slip

2.小一收生不足 -----------failed to enroll sufficient number of primary one students

3.會考英文練習題 ---------------- Exercise for HKCEE English examination

4.把學生教得中規中矩的學校 ----------- Schools that breed mediocre students

5.對教育界而言是令人惋惜的損失 -------a loss much to the regret of the education sector

6.學生求學階段時應尊注於學業 ---- Students should focus on their studies at this stage

7.校方深感安慰 ----------- The school management is pleased to notice........

8.他沒有架子, 而言很聰明-------- He is amiable and smart as well

9.帶備所有成績單以供即場面試之用------ Bring along all result slips for any on-site interview

10.操練坊間的會考模擬練習 ------Do the drill exercise for HKCEE that are available in bookstores

2007-04-20 4:46 am
1. area-wide student examination report card
2. small midwifery insufficient
3. area-wide student examination English exercises
4. teach to be appropriate in the gauge the student the moment school
5. speaking of educational circles are make who one regret the loss
6. students study when the stage should revere the note in the studies
7. school authorities to deeply feel comforts
8. him not to have the rack, moreover very intelligent
9. brings along all report cards to supply is the field interviews it with
10. to hold the scouring and bleaching works the area-wide student examination to simulate the practice
1. area-wide student examination report card
2. small midwifery insufficient
3. area-wide student examination English exercises
4. teach to be appropriate in the gauge the student the moment school
5. speaking of educational circles are make who one regret the loss
6. students study when the stage should revere the note in the studies
7. school authorities to deeply feel comforts
8.他沒有架子, 而且很聰明
8. him not to have the rack, moreover very intelligent
9. brings along all report cards to supply is the field interviews it with
10. to hold the scouring and bleaching works the area-wide student examination to simulate the practice
參考: me
2007-04-20 2:31 am
1.Area-wide student examination report card
2.The small midwifery is insufficient
3.Area-wide student examination English exercises
4.Teaches to be appropriate in the gauge the student the rectangularschool
5.Speaking of the educational circles makes the loss which oneregretted
6.Speaking of the educational circles makes the loss which oneregretted
7.The school authorities deeply feel the comfort
8.He does not have the rack, moreover is very intelligent
9.Brings along all report cards to supply is the field interviews it touse
10.an exercise the area-wide student examination to simulate thepractice
參考: yahoo

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:25:45
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