One mathematics question

2007-04-20 1:39 am
Prove that the order of any element of the group Sn does not exceed

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, every element in the group Sn can be written as disjoint cycles
(.....) (...) (.......)
Let a1, a2..., ak be the size of these cycles. Then a1+a2+...+ak=n

Now what is the order of this element? It is the LCM of a1,a2...,ak
and LCM(a1,a2,...,ak) <= a1 a2... ak

We will show that a1 a2... ak < e^(n/e)

Since there are k numbers adding to n, a1+a2+...+ak=n,
by AM-GM inequality, we get a1 a2... ak <= (n/k)^k

Now, by checking the derivatives with respect to k, we see that
d/dk (n/k)^k = (n/k)^k (log n/k - 1)
so that it has maximum value at n/k = e, or k = n/e

So our conclusion is: order of element <= a1 a2... ak <= (n/k)^k < e^(n/e)
參考: PhD Math
en/e= (e^(1/e))^n ≈ 1.44n (By calculating the value of (e)^(1/e))
e = 2.718... (e^(1/e)) = 1.444667861
參考: me

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