
2007-04-20 1:09 am
A bullet is fired horizontally at a block suspended by a string of negligible mass with length of 0.5m.The bullet embeds itself in the block.
A student claims that the total horizontalmomentum of the bullet-block system is not conserved since there is friction between the block and the bullet during collision.
Ans:no net horizontal force in the system

my question:why there is no net horizontal force in the system???

回答 (1)

2007-04-20 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to Newton's Law, in the bulltet-block system, the force exerted by the bullet upon the block is equal to the force exerted by the block upon the bullet at the moment of impact. The force exerted upon the block accelerates the block in a very short moment while the force exerted upon the bullet decelerates the bullet. Since the opposite forces are equal in magnitude, there is no net horizontal force in the system.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:51:18
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