Econ Past paper II 2006 Q44

2007-04-19 9:25 pm
After the introduction of the " individual visit" scheme, the Chinese government allows individuals from the mainland to tavel in Hong Kong. This measure will increase Hong Kong's

(1) tertiary production
(2) GDP
(3) invisible trade surplus

A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3)only
D. (1), (2), (3)

Ans: D
Why we can conclud that the invisible trade surplus?

If there was invisible trade deficit before the introduction of the :individual visit" scheme, there may not have invisible trade surplus, right?

回答 (2)

2007-04-19 9:37 pm
Tourism leads to increase in invisible trade
Given only the increase in tourism but no other factors affecting the invisible trade account
so 'individual visit' results in invisible trade surplus.

(Just my opinion but I'm not sure)
2007-04-19 9:33 pm
1. " individual visit" scheme, the Chinese government allows individuals from the mainland to tavel in Hong Kong.係旅遊業,酒店,食肆(servce) =tertiary production

2. 幫襯多左 --> increase gdp
3. servce --> invisible,因gdp increase --> trade surplus
參考: me

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