想問係princeline.com 訂機票有咩要注意

2007-04-19 8:56 pm
因為我第一次出trip, 我想同princline訂機票去台北, 有無野要留意架

回答 (2)

2007-04-19 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己(i work in travel company)
2007-04-19 9:55 pm
My colleague through Priceline booked the Japanese hotel last year (she said she never know it b4, she worried it's ability & stability), but the last, she can made the booking easily & the price is really low. I think you no need to worry & make sure to double check the details on ticket, e.g. your name, departure date, time, etc.

Have a nice trip!

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