Company law

2007-04-19 8:48 pm
想問下,點樣remove someone form the board of directors in private limited company
我想要詳細既procedure and reference.

無reference既.....同個meeting 有無話21days 前notice??唔駛通過架?


我明白21days 個問題,但116b 係written resolutions of companies,並無寫到remove board of directors 既詳情 另外,話pass special resolutions,咁究竟要幾多先pass?一半?75%?定100%?


我想問既係company law, cap 32 既section 入面邊度有提及﹗

回答 (2)

2007-04-24 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) 對罷免董事的規定如下:

1. 公司可藉通過普通決議 (ordinary resolution) 任免董事 (s.157B(1)) (ordinary resolution = pass by simple majority i.e. 50%)

2. 任免董事的決議須有特別通知 (special notice) (s.157B(1A)) (特別通知即按 s.116C 所規定發出的通知)

3. 動議者須在會議舉行日期不少於28天前, 向公司發出有關動議該決議的意向的通知 (notice of intention) (s.116C)

4. 公司方面, 須在發出會議通知書的同時向其成員 (即股東) 發出有關此等決議的通知, 即使在有關要求不切實可行的情況下, 亦至少須在會議舉行不少於21天前, 在報章刊登廣告或以公司章程容許的任何其他方式通知公司成員 (s.116C)

5. 公司接獲決議通知後, 須立即將該通知的副本送交有關董事, 董事有權在會議上就該項決議陳詞 (s.157B(2)).


s.157B : Removal of Directors (董事的任免)
s.116C : Resolution requiring special notice (規定發出特別通知的決議)

條文內其他細節不在此重覆, 自己去看.

另外, 決議可在公司的周年大會 (Annual General Meeting - AGM) 或 特別大會 (Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM) 中通過. 召開大會的程序另有規定, 字數太多, 不在此轉述, 自己去看有關條文.

召開 AGM 的規定見 s.111 : Annual General Meeting
召開 EGM 的規定見 s.113 : Convening of extraordinary general meeting on requisition
參考: Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32)
2007-04-21 2:06 am
你是remove board of directors
不是remove auditor

因此,沒有話21 days notice

其次,section 116b 就講咗你這個答案
To move a director, a member must send to the company a notice of aproposed ordinary resolution to remove the director (i.e. a speciaal notice). the director concerned has the right to make his defence both by written representation circulated to members and by addressing the meeting before a vote is taken. If the propsed ordinary resolution is passed, the director will be removed and the companies Registry should be informed of the removal.

以上是我本business law P.226 所講

2007-04-22 16:03:12 補充:
話pass special resolutions,咁究竟要幾多先pass?一半?75%?定100%?是75%有一種是50%

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