如何將 Palm Desktop 的資料 Hotsync 落部二手 Palm T5 道嚟?

2007-04-19 7:03 pm
小弟用緊部日版 Sony Clie PEG-T650C。朋友有部 Palm T5 放,於是就買咗部機。現在電腦上 Palm Desktop 個 user 同部二手 Palm T5 個 user 唔同,又唔可以 delete 或改部二手 Palm T5 的 user name 。所以 Hotsync 唔到。點樣將的資料過返哂落部 Plam T5 道嚟?

回答 (1)

2007-04-19 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hard reset 部 palm T5
# Hold down the power (on/off) button on your device.
# While holding down the power button, turn over your device so that you can see the back of it. Still holding the power button, use an unfolded paper clip or a similar small object, to gently press the RESET hole (where?). Keep holding the power button throughout.
# While still holding the power button, the screen will show the Palm logo and a progress bar will appear at the bottom. Then the circular Palm Powered logo will appear. Release the power button when you see the Palm Powered logo.
A message will appear warning that you are about to erase all the data stored on your handheld. Press UP.

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