幫下手plz~關於hk ge 短期住宿問題!sos!

2007-04-19 6:28 pm
我成家移民o左去英國...我想趁summer hoilday 返hk 玩一個月....(6~7月)
但係我冇地方住...我上年返hk 住我d frd ge 屋企...煩到人地爸爸媽媽真係好唔方便...我又唔識frd 係自己一個人住....
我試過打俾地產公司..佢地唔係好受理(利潤太少..而且我唔係hk 打長途俾我都夠麻煩)....
我屋企人唔鼓勵我返hk..所以今次返lei 要用自己d pocket $ 俾...想請問各位知唔知有冇咩辦法?or 知唔知有邊度有平租...最好係黃埔...舊時住開個頭....
唔該曬~thank you!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-19 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
u could try Caritas. another one is shama. they got lodge for lease. could be montly based. check the websites yrself. but dont expect cheap rental for a short lease. probably starts fm HK$4000. ask the details yrself.

it is not bcs the real estate not wanna help. most of the landlord prefer at least one year fixed lease+another year optional. the agents hv to take care the interest of the landlords as well.

good luck, mate.
2007-04-19 10:41 pm

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