
2007-04-19 9:05 am
What is the best way to forgot your ex-bf? I tried for so many years. How can I stop thinking about him and let go?


回答 (6)

2007-04-19 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
只有承認他變了心, 以後都冇自己份 ...

每次想起他, 就想像他好像一個包裹; 違留在路邊, 永遠不會拾起. 而你就繼續向前行. 想念他時可以回頭望一望那個包裹, 你會發覺他愈來愈遠.

記著你已不能回頭. 他永遠也不會屬於你. 但你可以回頭遙望, 你有自由, 你有選擇權.

當然, 同時前面還有其他的人和事在等你經過. 只要你願意望回前和尋找.

前路那些的人和事, 才是有機會屬於你的. 向那個寄落在很久以前的包裹說聲永別吧, 他永遠都不會在你身上發生 ~

2007-04-20 01:48:05 補充:
在這幾年間. 我跟前女友因為性格問題分手. 我們曾經深愛過甚至乎談婚論嫁. 之後又給另一女子欺騙了感情和全副身家, 幾乎要自殺. 幸好我那時沒做傻事. 否則就遇不到現在的女友了. 她不但是三個中最漂亮, 身材又好. 而且年輕我十年. 性格和修養更是好到不得了. 愛我又不黏身. 最難得的是她完全沒有介意我窮. 還願意跟我一起捱. 有時睡到夜半. 我都會想為何會如此幸運, 認識到這個女友. 同時後悔以往在失戀時做出自曝自棄的行為. 所以, 只要我們決心忘掉以前. 將他們放低在以往. 繼續向前走. 我們才有機會得到新生. 前面還有很多好的人和事在等著我們 ~祝福~
參考: STK
2007-04-19 9:06 pm
Hmm... I think you should try to forget him.

Just try to stop thinking of him.
2007-04-19 5:42 pm
我想問你 其實你同你ex 糸點分手

都吾糸一定要忘記佢 咪當一個回憶咁記住
有吾開心的事 都應該有過開心的日子

你想忘記個ex 其實你地都無聯絡 糸咪
去玩下 去戀愛
自然吾記得個ex la
2007-04-19 5:40 pm
if YOU really want to let go, then you can do it.
Choose to relieve or not, depends on your own mind, no one can force you to hold it tight in hand or to open your hand to relieve.
If you force yourself to forget, then you never forget about him cos when you are telling yourself to FORGET, you are recalling your memory to think about him first.

You have to face the fact, the fact is he is no longer your boy-friend, the relationship between you two is a HISTORY! OK, history is something in the past!

You can do is looking forward, try to find a new love, enjoy your life! Did you hear about a story about PRESENT? Present can describe as NOW, this moment, also it can describe as a gift, a gift from God! So enjoy your time you are having with friends, family members, colleagues, pets, things you own and people you love and care (of cos you are beloved too!)

Tell you something, most of us have a broken heart, if you still keep it on hand, it won't be healed. If you let go, someone will heal your heart with his love.

I hope you can understand and God bless you.
2007-04-19 10:04 am
無論點都係 一切既成定局 無有得再變 "This time will past"
同樣 自己 係一個生命 青春有限 因為"This Time will past too"
要忘記一個人 先要知自己為自己而生存 當然不是要天誅地滅
做快樂既人 必先交快樂給自己 不是交給別人
要著眼身邊周圍的人 可能有些對你有意 你不知道
把機會給他人 也把機會給自己 這就是生命 生活這回事

I can forgive and I can forget
2007-04-19 9:24 am
最好o既方法係搵個第2個replace ~~

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