拜託,, 求救中!!!想問下九龍公園有得沖涼既tiolet 係米要入左游泳池俾$19 先入到?

2007-04-19 8:10 am
想問下九龍公園有得沖涼既tiolet 係米要入左游泳池俾$19 先入到??其他在九龍公園有得沖涼既tiolet(免費入去)重有邊度??運動場有沒有??

回答 (2)

2007-04-19 10:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I remember when I played volleyball games years ago, I could take a shower afterwards in the toilet/changing room (which was open for public access without any admission fee). If nothing has changed, I think the same arrangement holds true today. Hope it helps.

(sorry I can't type Chinese at home)

2007-04-19 02:34:41 補充:
The location of the toilet/changing room mentioned is the other side of the entrance for the swimming pool. Don't get it wrong.

2007-04-20 09:50:17 補充:
我剛剛打電話到九龍公園室內運動場(tel: 2724-3120), 證實更衣室內仍提供沖涼設施, 是不需要另外收費的.
2007-04-19 11:23 pm
全部都沒有了.....我上次打完籃球 去找都沒有 唯有比19蚊 當去游下水咁lu 一餐飯左右姐= ="

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