
2007-04-20 12:24 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-20 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
2001 Received Taipower Domestic Product Verification
2002 Purchased additional automated painting equipment
2003 Established 2nd factory in Guishan, Taoyuan
2004 Established 3rd factory in Guishan, Taoyuan
2005 Established office in Taipei
2006 Introduced ERP System
Today, we have 180 employees, with total capital of $60M

上面打星星的...有可能有專用名詞, 不過台電的網站上我沒看到
參考: 我是外國人
2016-05-21 12:26 pm
哈囉 ! 大大


在中壢往桃園方向中華路二段 YKK對面

我也是去那裡借的 店長很好商量 會給你方便的

保密 利息也很低 !服務態度也很親切



你可以去網路上搜尋 仁寶當舖

他們很專業 過件率也很高 評估完你的條件馬上放款

事後你有什麼問題 打過去給他們 他們都會盡量配合你

你可以去了解看看 !祝你好運~~~
2007-04-20 12:26 am
90 years have the honor to receive the Taiwan Telegraphic Transmission manufacture domestically authentication, 91 years increase buy the automated chart to install the equipment, 92 years establish two factories, 93 years peach garden Guishan establish three factories, 94 years peach garden Guishan set up the Taibei office, 95 years induct computerization ERP, the nowadays staff total number of people 180 people, total capital 61,000,000
參考: 翻譯軟體

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