
2007-04-19 6:59 am
In this presentation to my own appraisal in content and development: I had listed my topic related detail, moreover in the material aspect, is sufficient. But in the present time, I spoke too quickly, so the lecture time is not enough. In this aspect, I think I need to improvement that.

回答 (3)

2007-04-19 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Regarding content and development of my presentation, I have listed my topics in details. In material aspect, it is sufficient, too. However, I spoke so quickly during the presentation so that I finished it earlier than expected. I think I need to have improvement about that.

參考: 自己
2007-04-19 9:35 am
講真, 唔好介意... 如上面兩人講嘅.. 真系難明.
我啱啱睇曬你4個messages先估到啲啲. 不過, 唔重要 希望你明白我地嘅回應, 從而改進啦.

首先, 好confuse嘅系你o向里份message(第一份)講已經listed左好details嘅資料.. 但系, 我睇完第二個message先知道系(都系估)... .. 原來你話你卑自己睇嘅presentation notes.. 如果無估錯, 第一段系講你自己應為個資料準備系足夠, 但系因為presentation時間唔足夠, 所以你講得太快, 所以, 應該改善. 而且, 因為未到尾部, 你又可以唔洗咁樣咁快寫要改善什麼. 不如, 你第一段先做個summary.. 你發現有幾多個自己認為有問題嘅重點先啦. 之後, 再按重點標題, 一個一個或一段一段寫出來. 咁樣, 改你個回應嗰條友都知道你內容大致想講乜. 之後再寫conclusion啦.

我想表達嘅總意思應該系 :
原本, 你已經做好詳細資料搜集. 還將個presentation breakdown左3部分, 並且, 盡量利用多啲公仔/圖案, 令觀眾們更容易明白當中構思、表達用意來吸引觀眾. 但因時間問題, 所有內容未能及時表達. 而且, 當你表達時欠body language. 又未能回應(未準備好答案)所有提問, 為免日後再出現dead air問題, 你會先記下問題稍後回應.

(但老實講, 你整體系經驗唔夠, 「唔識控制時間」同埋「唔識/唔足夠吸引觀眾」, 以致重點未能完全表達所致. 其實, 只系經驗唔夠, 又唔吸引, 你老師先要停止你呢~~)

如果正確, 你應該改改如下 : (第一部份)

After the presentation was completed and I have tried to analyze my performance, I realized that I am inexperienced to predict the time consumption to completion. Thus, ourrun was occurred unfortunately. In which, there are two major aspects about my presentation skills and time management that can be improved in the future.

(續)... 請再睇我第二個回應
參考: as my understanding
2007-04-19 7:06 am

暫時黎講, 最尾果個"improvement"要改做"improve". 因為"improve"先係動詞, "improvement"係名詞
或者你可以將最尾果句改做" I think I need to make improvement in that aspect."

希望可以幫到你 =]

2007-04-18 23:07:59 補充:
"improve". = improvesorry..

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