
2007-04-19 6:01 am
我地兩個女仔首次去歐洲自由行,玩20 日(31/5 - 19/6),買了來回機票,未買火車證、未book hostel、只plan左初步行程,想到的地方有英國、意大利、瑞士、法國,初步計劃的行程如下:

1/ 6 抵達倫敦,當地觀光
2/ 6 倫敦
3/ 6 火車/飛機到羅馬
4/ 6 羅馬
5/ 6 (乘夜火車,想免住宿)比薩
6/ 6 佛羅倫斯
7/ 6 (乘夜火車)威尼斯
8/ 6 威尼斯
9/ 6 (乘夜火車)米蘭
10-11/ 6 蘇黎世
12/ 6 (乘夜火車)琉森+ 日內瓦 (日間搭火車)
13/ 6 (乘夜火車)巴黎
14/ 6 巴黎迪士尼
15-17/ 6 巴黎
18/ 6 巴黎-> 倫敦
19/ 6 返香港

行程應如何修改?請各位backpacker 賜教!謝謝

回答 (2)

2007-04-21 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) There is no direct train from London to Rome, you should take the domestic flights (you can check and purchase your air ticket at www.skyscanner.net).

2) You can't take the night trian from Rome to Pisa (you can't save the money in this case, as just takes 1.5 hours from Rom to Pisa! Same as from Florence to Venice, just takes 4 hours! And take the train from Venice to Milan is also just 3, 4 hours! Forget about the night train in Italy and you'd better book the accommodation. And as a backpacker, especially for just 2 Asian girls, the advanced accommodation arrangement is a MUST! I met an American guy in Amsterdam (Holland) last year when I was visiting Amsterdam, he spend who day to search for a room as he hasn't book any, but it was all full house, finally he has to sleep in the station!

3) Accommodation, you can try www.hostelworld.com, it shows you all the availabiltiy and ranking from the old visitors for your consideration and comparison.

4) Personally I won't suggest you to join those coach-trip, as most of the time just stay in the coach, as you have to realise that how big the cities are! Not just like taking the bus from Mongkok to Yuen Long, just 1 hour! We are talking about point to point may takes 2, 3 hours! I would suggest you may be join the one-day trip (you can always get the latest information of those trips at the hostels/hotels). But I would think hostel have greater fun as you have got a chance to get to know more people, maybe travel together to the next destination.

5) yes, quite a lot of gypsy to steal or rub things, you have to be very very careful of that. Make a copy of your passport, and keep it separately (not in your handbag), in case you lost your bag it would be much easier for you to proof your identification. check all the emergency call's no. before you go, eg. 999 in the U.K., 911 in the States... just in case.

6) Buy the travel insurance in advanced, Blus cross always offer the extra discount if you buy in on the internet. I am not too sure what they offer now, I did it before was ok. Not just France and Italy, in western Europe, you need to be always be aware of your personal belongings.

7) The internation student ID is not always useful but occasionally, but just some places have got a student discount, but if you are visiting France in the summer, most of the tourist attractions will NOT have any student discount by that time.

8) I have never used the traveler's cheque before, but I won't think it would be really useful and convenient though. You can pay credit cards for your bills at the hostel/hotel.

9) Most of the city map you can collect them at the tourist information centre, you can always find them at the airport, train station...etc, normally are free and shows you all the tourist attractions.

Just the first day you will be a bit worrying things, but after the first two days, I trust that everything will be fine for you two. If you have got any questions, you can e-mail me and I will try to give you more idea of it, as those places you mentioned I have been to them all.
2007-04-20 6:14 am
3.應該ok,非summer,但要注意地點是否很遠(交通$及時間);如無去平價hotel 1-2星有浴廁也不太貴
4.夜車:留位費及附加補費,若用2nd class只有坐位,有些可拉長似飛機的椅(看車種類,有的寫明只有房/牀,最貴要補$$)唔瞓軟卧會辛苦?看你為人若一睡難起身的會ok ,醒瞓就點都瞓不到,想慳錢就......硬卧也要補$$(6人房),軟卧2人房,人越少越貴!

2007-04-19 22:20:57 補充:
火車能去威尼斯,注意站名威尼斯santa lucia,不是威尼斯Mestre(不知是否串錯)前者直接到島上,後者下車再轉車,入學聯網介紹火車遊內有各國網,德國的最詳細(能查其他國家timetable)我常用

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