
2007-04-19 5:03 am
1.Why do u want to do this job? 
2.Can you tell me something about yourself? 
3.What do you think we expect of this job? 
4.Why should we employ you? 
5.What are you strengths? 
6.What are your weaknesses? 
7.Do you think you have an ability to lead a team?Why? 
8.If I ask you to describe Hong Kong in 30 seconds to your tourists, what will you tell them? 
9.Are you willing to work overtime? 
10.How would you see yourself in five years?

11.How would you handle complaints?  12.Do you work better alone or as part of a team?  13.Are you available for in the whole summer hoilday?  14.Would you like to have the same career in the future?  15.Do you have any other questions? 希望大家可以用2-3句英文回答問題 如果大家唔明問題,可以問我? 唔該大家牙!

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Seeing people around me suffer from illness is painful, i hate the idea of not being able to make a change. This motivated me to become a doctor, to make a change and save people from suffering, from death.

2. I am a person who likes to ask the question "Why?". My parents sometimes get annoyed with me because i want to know the reason to everything, but at the same time, they appreciate me as a keen learner.

3. A person who will try his/her best to avoid making mistakes, and when a mistake is make, he/she will not be afraid of learning from their mistakes.

4. Because i am a person with a reason to apply for this job, this motivates me to work hard, learn fast and do my best.

5. I am a careful person, a keen learner and i am not afraid to make mistakes. I learn from them.

6. I am a perfectionist who takes time to solve a problem, because i demand for the perfect answer.

7. Yes, i was a girl scot when i was younger and within a year and a half, i became the group leader of one of the teams. I play (name a sport) in school and i was the leader of the team.

8. Hong Kong is renown as the SHopping paradise, there are two main types of shops: those on the street such as Women's street and those in the shopping mall, e.g. Festival Walk. Some people refer the shopping malls because of the air conditioning, but there are also many who prefers shopping under the sun on the streets.

9. Working overtime is worth it if it leads to success.

10. successful in my careea

11. I would analyse the complaint and introspect myself. I would appologise and guarantee improvement

12. I perfer working as a team because i am an out going person, but when stuck in a question, i perfer some peace and quite by myself.

13. Yes, apart from Weekends, because i would like to spend sometime with my parents

14. Yes, definitely

Hope it helps
15. When may i hear from you?
參考: myself, this is what i would say if i'm in an interview
2008-10-07 6:49 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]

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