
2007-04-19 3:37 am
內容越詳細越好. 謝謝!!!

可否給一個網址/網站我? 我想要一些多些食譜的websites. 可以讓我自己選擇... 發問時問得不清楚,其實是想要一些中英對照食譜的網站...thx

回答 (3)

2007-04-24 4:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
These are chinese/ english recipe website... (u need to choose english or chinese vision)

http://www.openrice.com (no picture, most of the recipe base on chinese food)
http://www.towngascooking.com/ (picture, western n chinese recipe)
http://www.joycekitchen.com (not all recipe got english vision)
2007-04-19 7:34 pm
蒜 椒 雞 翼
材 料 :
1 碗蒜茸
15 隻雞中翼
1/2 碗辣椒碎
做 法 :
(1) 先將雞翼洗淨,抹乾水份,以蒜茸,辣椒茸及 少許鹽、酒、生抽,老抽及麻油把雞翼醃味,拌勻後便可放入雪柜一晚。
(2) 下少許油,先以大火煎雞翼至兩面金黃,把肉汁封住,然後轉小火慢慢把雞翼煎熟,上碟。
(3) 把醃雞翼的蒜茸辣椒撈起隔汁,直接放入鑊中爆香,淋在雞翼面即成。
Garlic & Chilli Chicken Wings
Ingredients :
1 bowl chopped garlic
15 Chicken wings
1/2 bowl chopped chilli
Method :
(1) Wash chicken wings & wipe dry. Mix with chopped garlic & chilli, & some salt, wine, light soy sauce dark soy sauce & seasame oil. Marinate ovemight in fridge.
(2) Take out the chicken wings, reserve the marinade. Heat some oil, shallow fry chicken wings over high heat till golden brown turn to low heat and shallow fry chicken
wings till done take out.
(3) Bring the marinade to the boil and pour on top of the chicken wings & serve.

惹 味 汁 煎 蝦
材 料 :
400 克中蝦
1 茶匙蒜茸
1 茶匙薑茸
1 湯匙荵茸
1 茶匙紅椒茸
1/4 茶匙黑胡椒碎
獻 汁 :
5 湯匙水
1 湯匙喼汁
1 湯匙蠔油
1/2 茶匙生粉
2 湯匙 HP 醬
做 法 :
(1) 中蝦沖淨及隔乾。
(2) 燒熱六湯匙油,用生粉洒勻蝦身,煎至金黃取出。
(3) 剩一湯匙油,爆香蒜茸、薑茸、紅椒及荵,把蝦放回兜炒數下,灒酒後倒入獻汁用猛火炒勻即成。
Exotic Flavored Prawns
Ingredients :
400g Prawns
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp chopped ginger
1 tbsp chopped spring onion
1 tsp chopped red chilli
1/4 tsp crushed black peppercorn
Sauce :
5 tbsp water
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp cornflour
2 tbsp HP sauce
Method :
(1) Rinse & wipe dry prawns.
(2) Heat 6 tbsp oil, dust prawns with cornflour & deep fry until golden brown, remove
& drain.
(3) Heat 1 tbsp oil, saute chopped garlic, ginger, spring onion & red chilli, add prawns,
sprinkle with wine, add sauce & bring to a boil.
2007-04-19 3:56 am
12 oz. Spaghetti
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. mushrooms
1 c. milk
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper

Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil. Add 1 tablespoon salt, cook spaghetti as instructed in the pack. Drain (DO NOT RINSE).
In a large saucepan, melt butter. Saute mushrooms in butter. Add milk gradually. Reduce heat, gradually stir in egg yolk, cheese and chicken soup. In a large dish, (9" x 13") pour pasta and sauce mixture. Season to taste with salt, pepper, grated Parmesan cheese.


Bon appetite!

Joyce's Kitchen

2007-04-22 14:46:33 補充:
Joyce's Kitchen有好多中英對照食譜希望選為最佳解答!!!!!! ^v^THANKS
參考: yahoo

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