passport 就來過期..HELP....

2007-04-19 1:55 am
I am currently studying in the USA, holding 特區護照...the problem is ..
my passport will expire on Nov 5, 2007. I have 2 visas issued by the USA,
B2 and F1 , expiration dates are 2015 and 2010.
I am planning to go back HK in July, can anyone tell me what i should do ?

回答 (3)

2007-04-19 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
come back apply the new SAR passport & keep the old passport when back to US show them the US visit or when you in Hong Kong go to US visit office to check what you need to do .

2007-04-18 18:01:49 補充:
Sorry should be Us visa & US visa office !!!
2007-04-20 6:25 pm
or renrew it when u back to HK。
renrew passport only need ten business days or less。。
2007-04-19 2:06 am
No problem,you can come back Hong Kong anytime,but you must plan what,s day come HK,then you can book the day renew passport by interent,Usually few hours have finish renew passport.The website is

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