Canon printer

2007-04-19 12:29 am
我部printer係canon ip1000, 呢排唔知點解print咩都係模查查, 睇唔清楚, 我已經用左入面既維護, 試過清潔、深度清潔都唔得, 點解會咁?

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果都唔得, 可能是噴咀有些污塞;
或機件有問題, 宜拿去檢修.
2007-04-22 6:04 am
i also have same as u have!!!
no use ka, canon printer is too weak!

i now using epson CX3900($588), its no that problem, and the ink is cheaper than canon,$75/ink, and is water proof for all papers~
參考: my experience

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