
2007-04-18 11:22 pm
如果有六十萬, 投資組合應該如何?

回答 (4)

2007-04-19 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is my suggestion:
for fund (200K): mid to long term
50K in chinese equity fund
30K in indian equity fund
30K in hk equity fund
30K in east europe equity fund
30K in asia equity fund
30K in uk equity fund

long term shares (100K):
1 hand of 0005
10 hands of 939

foreign currency (150K):
100K chinese yuen (sell this for emergency)
50K jpy yen (sell this at high price)

short term shares(150K): invest in different category,
3983 (chem) , 941(telecommunication) , 66, 525 (transport), 135, 883, 2883 (energy), 1065, 8230 (environment), 274, 1555 (renewable energy) etc.

I think the next major rise (worldwide) will be renewable energy. But the problem is the companies with not so good technology may not survive, so is hard to select.

2007-04-18 18:34:54 補充:
diversify can reduce your risk. Most fees in investment funds are in % base, so it won't cost a lot more when you invest in many funds.
2007-04-19 6:10 am
去bank 問吓law
2007-04-19 2:02 am
2007-04-19 1:30 am



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